Tuesday, October 27, 2009

16 years of........ I'm not quite sure

Well, tomorrow is the big day-- I turn 16. However I find my life has been too menial so far to earn such a title as "16". When I was a little girl, I always pictured myself as this beautiful social-butterfly who partied every weekend, was top of her class, had an amazing boyfriend, was the captain of some beautiful sport. I would get my licence on my birthday and then go out to eat with friends and family in a beautiful dress that complemented my blonde hair and perfect skin. I would then proceed to have an amazing party the following weekend where at least 50 people would come and it'd be formal and in a dining hall.
Yeah... I put a lot of thought into this. Alas, I will not have fulfilled any of these dreams, nor be celebrating as lavishly as I had dreamed. On the weekends I do homework. I only have 4 A's to show for these weekends of hard work. I don't even want to get into the fact that I don't have a boyfriend and all prospects are sex-obsessed douches. My sport of late: Cross Country, which I am only mediocre at and it certainly is not a beautiful sport. Licence-- yup, I'm still working on those 40 hours, but hey I have to wait another month anyways! The celebration tomorrow: Practice, where we will prepare for the region meet on Thursday with 400's and then a pasta dinner so the coach may dictate what we eat before the big meet. This will be with my team-mates, whom I love dearly, but I would like to see my other friends on my birthday. I will most likely be dressed in jeans and a t-shirt that clashes with my hair, but highlights my horrid skin that hasn't stopped breaking out in 3 months. My party: It's in two weeks. As of right now, I have 6 people coming and I have no clue what we are going to do. I just love my birthday!

Lesson of the day: You learn a lot about a person when they have no one else to talk to.