Friday, September 25, 2009

Trying this again

Coming back from the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Conference at UGA this past Wednesday and Thursday, I have had the urge to start again expressing my thoughts to whomever would read them. Excessive, I know, because no one wants to read the thoughts of a high schooler who simply has too much to say about nothing important, but hey its what ever, its chill.
So last night I had to write an essay for my Analysis class-- "Analysis Meth" as it is called on my schedule-- about how line of best fit can be applied to mile times and when certain times could be run. Being in cross country, the last thing I wanted to do was expound upon how people of the world can run a mile in half the time I can. Just when I was between the stages of "Man I need to get off Facebook and finish this paper" and "I am going to kill myself if I have to write one more sentence on how to extrapolate"(Note to reader: extrapolate is one of my favorite words, despite its negative mathematical connotations.), I came up with this brilliant equation to determine how miserable an assignment was. This grandiose discovery would be: stress level (on a scale of 1-10) + sleep loss ( how many hours you stayed up past 9 o'clock ( because that's when you'd have to go to sleep to get the full hours for teens)) - how much creativity you had to employ with the assignment ( this may be none if you are writing a math essay :P) X how many times you would have rather stabbed your eyes out with plastic spoons than do the assignment a.k.a. suicidal thoughts. Ex. This math paper caused me to be very stressed, about an 8, during the trip to UGA, cause I knew it was due the day after I got back. I stayed up till 12:30 doing the blasted thing and it had no room for creativity, besides my last line where I said there may be robots instead of humans in 3000. and I would have rather plucked my eyelashes out with scissors or killed myself 3 times during that assignment than finish it. So numerically this is 8+3.5-1X3= 31.5. Yeah that's pretty miserable. However, for things such as the whole IB program, the miserable levels are heinous, for they make you so stressed out, cause you to loose years of sleep, make you just want to kill yourself and, in the process, allow you to employ little creativity(my biology teacher is concerned for my mental health because I attempted to incorporate talking moosen into my presentation.) These levels could go to infinity and beyond.

Lesson of the Day: You are masochistic if you put yourself through miserable things.

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