Sunday, September 27, 2009

Well that day was a waste....

Yesterday was pretty much a waste of 13 hours. I woke up at noon to eat a GIANT bowl of Magic Stars ( Kroger brand Luck Charms: Ten times sweeter and double the marshmallows!) and then I made a Carmel macchiato on my new espresso maker. After eating was complete, I cracked open the new Guitar Hero 5. I never expected it to be as good as it was! Lemme tell you, the graphics were amazing and the story line, superb! Plus the song choices are very interesting. Finally someone decided it would be a good idea to include Jack White in Guitar Hero! The next step: Jack White as a character on Guitar Hero! Unfortunately, I had too much homework to get far enough into the game to play the Nirvana songs. The controversy unfolds as to whether it is an injustice to have Kurt Cobain as an unlockable character. I think it for sure is! Here's a link to an article on it .

Once my dad got on my case about playing Guitar Hero, I dug into my 12! assignments that I have due on Tuesday. I failed to complete all of them in the 5 hours I was working on them! When dinner time rolled around, I stopped with homework, made some Ramen Noodles and watched Fight Club, which is probably one of the best movies ever made. Once my dad got back home, he stopped me from playing Guitar Hero, again! and we watched the fight that was on HBO. Klitchko v. Areeola I think it was. Well anyways, it was really interesting. I never really got into boxing, but when my dad turns it on, I can't help but watch. I mean boxing just brings out the mortality of the people in the fight-- it really just shows, no matter how strong you are physically and mentally, you can only take so many hits. Upon deciding that midnight was too late to be working on homework on a Saturday, I called my dear friend Sam to see how her birthday went. We talked for an hour, and then i got my pjs on and watched Food Network for some time, eventually falling asleep.

Around 2:00, my phone rings. It is the familiar ring of my best friend Jenna Hall, who is in New Orleans filming a movie right now called the Pregnancy Pact. Boy am I going to laugh when she gets fat! Anyways, she was calling so her buddy, Max, could sing me a song. It was pretty good for a 2:00 in the morning spontaneous serenade.

Lesson of the day: Staying up too late can get you good things. And fighting brings out a lot in people.

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